Study Documents

The PTI Part 150 Study Update will produce several documents including noise exposure maps, and possibly an amended version of the Noise Compatibility Program. On this page you will find an explanation of these documents below, with links to maps and full documents.

Final Part 150 Update


The Final Part 150 Update documents were submitted to FAA in December 2020.  Click the links below to view or download the files.

Draft Part 150 Update


The Draft Part 150 Update document is available for public review. Click the links below to view or download the files.

Please submit any comments on or before December 17, 2020 by email to or by mail to 1000A Ted Johnson Parkway, Greensboro, NC 27409

Noise Exposure Maps for the Original Study


The maps developed in PTAA’s original Part 150 study also included a current map and a future map. The Federal Aviation Administration approved these maps, which were used as a basis for creating the current Noise Compatibility Program.  The Noise Exposure Maps are scaled, geographic depictions of the airport, its noise contours and surrounding area. The 2006 base case and 2014 forecast Noise Exposure Maps developed in the original study may be viewed below or by clicking here (2006) and here (2014). 




Part 150 Study Approved by the FAA in 2008


The supporting documentation, which makes up part of the Noise Exposure Maps, is listed in the Federal Register notice as the Revised Final Report for the PTI Part 150 Study. The FAA accepted the report and Noise Exposure Maps as being complete per Title 14 of the Code of Federal Regulations Part 150 and approved in part all 20 PTAA recommended Noise Compatibility Program measures.


Federal Regulations Governing Part 150


The federal regulations and guidance for Part 150 may be found here.


This page describes the overall Part 150 study process.



You will find background documentation, including maps and the 2008 report linked on this page.


This section presents an overview of the public outreach program, upcoming meetings, and summaries of completed meetings.


Please look here to find answers to frequently asked questions about the Part 150 Update Study.


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