Part 150 Study Update

The “Part 150” Airport Noise Study Update for the Piedmont Triad International Airport (PTI) is underway. We strongly encourage all interested parties to participate. As the study progresses, you will find updates here, so check back often.


The Piedmont Triad Airport Authority (PTAA) is committed to being a good neighbor and a responsible operator of the Piedmont Triad International Airport (PTI).  The most comprehensive way an airport addresses noise is through the Airport Noise Compatibility Planning program under Title 14 of the Code of Federal Regulations Part 150 (“Part 150”).  A Part 150 Study is a voluntary, federally funded and supervised program that helps airports find ways to reduce noncompatible land uses by analyzing current and future airport use. Committees of citizens, airport users and other stakeholders are formed to advise a noise consultant team as they analyze aircraft traffic patterns and review current noise mitigation measures in accordance with Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) guidance.

Before the airport’s newest runway opened in 2010, the Airport Authority undertook its first Part 150 Study. During development of the airport’s original Part 150 Study, the PTAA partnered with residents, airport users, local government agencies, elected officials and the FAA to develop its Noise Compatibility Program. The airport’s current Noise Compatibility Program was approved by the FAA in November 2008 in a Record of Approval (ROA). Since that time, the airport has implemented the measures outlined in that program, including a Sound Insulation Program for neighborhoods within the airport’s 65 DNL noise contour.

Over the past 10 years, aircraft operations, aircraft types and land uses surrounding the airport have changed. That’s why the  PTAA is updating its current Part 150 program – to ensure that current measures are effective and to determine whether new measures are warranted. The Airport Authority has contracted with noise consultants from Harris Miller Miller & Hanson Inc. (HMMH) of Burlington, Massachusetts, to work with airport staff and members of the community to fine tune PTI’s noise program.

This website is designed to provide information about the Part 150 Update and to keep the community apprised of the program’s progress. Below is a brief guide to the website. Please take a moment to explore the website  sections and feel free to email the PTI Part 150 team with questions and comments.


This page describes the overall Part 150 study process.



You will find background documentation, including maps and the 2008 report linked on this page.


This section presents an overview of the public outreach program, upcoming meetings, and summaries of completed meetings.


Please look here to find answers to frequently asked questions about the Part 150 Update Study.


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